What is the Perfect Match?
The Perfect Match is something that exists in romance, but it also exists for recruiters. There’s something special about a candidate who perfectly fits with a company’s job spec – they have the skills, they have the experience, they have the passion and their personality matches with the team they’ll be working in. Someone stepping into a role like that will stay in place a lot longer, do more while they’re there, and they’ll be happier. That’s a win for everybody.
First Steps
Relationships come in all shapes and sizes, and so do jobs. As specialist recruiters, we tend to work with candidates who’re already well established in their career, but this goes back all the way to your first job – which you can compare to your first relationship.
While it might be love at first sight, your first relationship was probably a very nervous, uncertain time with someone who didn’t entirely fit you. It may not even have been entirely your own idea.
Your first job was almost certainly either arranged for you or was simply the first place that would accept a young employee with no real experience.
For some unlucky people, the first job and the first date are heartbreakers. They’re the moment you discover something you truly wanted just doesn’t work for you.
Moving into a specialist industry makes it much more likely you can avoid that ever happening again.
Staying in Employment
If.a first job is like a first relationship, the job you take in a hurry after losing the last one is like a rebound relationship. Neither one is likely to be that elusive Perfect Match, and there can be a strange element of panic to both of them.
We do hear from candidates in this position, and when we do we’ll always try to steer them toward the best option available. As recruiters, we’re lucky enough to have a clearer view of what’s available than a candidate in a hurry. We can use that extra perspective to push for a better outcome.
There are dozens of factors in any romance or any business relationship, but what really brings it together is: connection.
Connecting experts is what makes IT Works Recruitment what it is. If you’ve ever got a kick out of setting two of your friends up on a date and seeing it pay off, you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of closing a good deal in recruitment.
It’s as simple – and as complicated – as that; you’re just looking for different connections. Will they fit the corporate culture? Does the client share their ambitions? Are the hard and soft skills right?